Certified/Notarized Translation Services
Certified and Notarized Translations
Many clients often need an official translation of their documents to be used in various formal or legal settings, from immigration to court and anything in between.

Some documents that may require certification for official use include but are not limited to:
- Legal documents that are in language other than English or French
- Birth, marriage divorce, death certificates
- Court rulings
- Medical documents
- Tax returns
- Criminal records
- School records
- Degrees, diploma and academic transcripts
- Customs declarations
When clients are requested to provide an official translation, it typically causes a lot of confusion because most people do not deal with such matters on a daily basis and do not know what to expect. The fact that different countries and even offices of the same organization in the same country often use different procedures (that change often) and terms does not help either! For instance, you can see requests for “official”, “certified”, “accredited”, “sworn”, “court-approved” translation. But what is the difference between them?
Essentially, they all mean the same thing, but some terms have a very specific meaning in some contexts.
In Canada, there are 2 main ways to do an official translation – it can be a “certified” or “notarized” translation (they can also be sworn before a Commissioner for Oaths / Affidavits”, this is a light version of a notarized translation).
So, what exactly are they and which one to choose?
The term “Certified Translator” is a protected title in a number of provinces. This means that only members in good standing (meaning that all dues have been paid and there are no legal claims, formal complaints or ethical issues raised or investigated against this person) of a provincial translators’ association can use this title, and only when certifying translations done in a specific language combination in which translator is certified (English to French and French to English would be 2 different combinations requiring separate certification exams or procedures). The process of certification is usually very long and difficult (on average, taking 3-4 years for people who already have a linguistic degree and many years of experience), and when a person achieves this status, it comes with certain trust, recognition and responsibilities. Many (but not all) organizations and offices trust translations done by certified translators and often (but not always) accept them at face value without any additional verifications.
However, the term “certified” itself is not protected and can be used by other professionals such as lawyers. So, a “certified translation” implies and naturally looks like it should be done by a “Certified Translator”, but it is not always the case! A translator can also be certified in his/her own country, but not in Canada, this is why usually a clarification is needed – for example, a document needs to be translated by a Canadian Certified Translator. Moreover, out of 200+ languages spoken in Canada, only about 50 offer certification exams, and in some language combinations there are very few certified translators (as few as 1-2 for the whole country!), while in others there can be none. Sometimes, certain organizations and offices such as courts prefer specific procedures because they carry a greater weight in their eyes, and some other organizations have their own lists of their preferred translators who need to be accredited following their specific rules and procedures.
What this means from the practical point of view is that there are other acceptable forms of certifying a translation to make it official.
One of the main ones is a “notarized” translation when translator appears before a Notary Public and swears a special affidavit testifying to the accuracy of translation. Notarized translations of documents are often required by courts or when submitting documents to be used outside of Canada, for example as part of the legalization procedure (Canadian equivalent of Apostille). In short, a notarized translation provides an additional level of proof to evidence the accuracy of the translation, but the exact legal aspects and implications of this procedure can vary from place to place.

To summarize, there are several different procedures for making official translations. The choice typically depends on a number of factors, most importantly, the availability of qualified people capable of meeting the specific requirements of the office where you plan to submit the documents.
ABC Language Solutions has extensive experience in providing online and onsite certified and notarized translation services to thousands of individuals and companies not only across Canada but all over the world. We always deliver high quality professional translations at affordable price following the exact requirements of the clients.
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Translation Tips: How to Make Certified or Notarized Translation a Success
In short: BE PREPARED!
Cost of translation can vary very significantly depending on the specific requirements of the office where you plan to submit them, so the more prepared and knowledgeable you are, the easer it will be for you to negotiate the best deal regardless of who you ask for a quote.
We highly recommend that you clarify such requirements (and acceptable options, because usually most organizations have Plan B and C) before sending documents for a quote. If you cannot do it yourself, ask someone to help or follow the advice of the person handling your case, such as lawyer, immigration consultant, case manager, clerk etc.
It is very important to plan everything correctly from the very beginning because different services are provided by different people, and it may be difficult or impossible to change the procedure later on. For example, it may look simple, but if translation needs to be notarized or certified later, and original translator is not available (due to illness, vacation, retirement or whatever), most likely a new translator would not be able to certify previous translator’s work, so translation may need to be redone from scratch,
It is also very important to verify and finalize all documents before submitting them for a quote or translation, because fixing any mistakes and making changes after documents have been sealed and stamped can be very costly, time-consuming or even impossible after the fact.
ABC Language Solutions has extensive experience in providing official translations of various documents for use in Canada and around the world. Working with professional and certified translators, we ensure that you receive ready-to-use official translations the first time you order them. (Yes, a significant percentage of our clients chose us only after being burnt by others and losing not only money, but what is much worse – time and valuable opportunities. Think of it this way – if you are planning to become a nurse or engineer, and miss an important deadline because translation was not done right, how much would you lose in time, money, and opportunities? It can very easily be tens of thousands of dollars because of translation that cost 100 bucks! What if you fail to submit your immigration application on time, and the program is delayed or closes because of another pandemics or change in program rules or procedures or quotas filled? What about losing a court case because of a stupid translation mistake? We think you would not even want to consider such an outcome in your worst dreams, right? Yet, unfortunately such situations are quite common. Well, you get the idea…)
Bottomline is: we have been in business for many years, and are proud to say that we did not have A SINGLE case when our translations would not be accepted or would be rejected because of errors or because we failed to follow client requirements. In fact, we offer a full money-back guarantee (something that very few, if any, translation companies or individual translators offer) should this be the case, so when you order translations with us, it is always risk-free, and you always have piece of mind knowing that you will receive translation exactly as ordered at the price that was quoted!
Please CONTACT US us today to discuss your translation needs or to REQUEST A FREE QUOTE. We’ll do the rest.