Dare to compare
Make an informed decision about the benefits and value you receive when working with ABC Language Solutions. Feel free to call any of our competitors and compare their service to ours in detail. Move mouse over the icons to get more information about each feature.
Service level | Us | Them |
Regular Translation by a Professional Translator | Yes | Yes |
Translating and Editing | Yes | ✕ |
TEP (translation, editing, and proofreading) | Yes | ✕ |
Multiple Service Levels | Yes | ✕ |
Flexibility | ||
24-hour translations | Yes | No |
Work on Holidays and Weekends (24/7) | Yes | No |
Flexible payment terms | Yes | No |
Custom Services | Yes | No |
Scalability | ||
Multilingual projects | Yes | ✕ |
Many areas of expertise | Yes | ✕ |
1-word projects | Yes | ✕ |
Million word projects | Yes | No |
Guarantee and Security | ||
On-time delivery guaranteed | Yes | No |
High quality guaranteed | Yes | No |
Documents stored on secure servers | Yes | No |
Free Trial Offer | Yes | No |
Project Management | ||
Qualified Project Management team | Yes | No |
No hustle projects | Yes | No |
CAT tools | Yes | No |
Translation memories | Yes | No |
Direct phone support | Yes | No |
Reliable online support | Yes | No |
Professional Project Management System | Yes | No |

Why Us?
Measure our competitors 7 times and choose us.
Over 500 companies worldwide have chosen our linguistic services; most of them have become loyal, repeat customers. They must have good reasons for choosing us again and again.
Our international resources allow us to race against the clock. We will always stay on top of your project helping you achieve faster turnarounds and a reduced time to market.
You can rely on us to deliver accurate and polished translations, when you want them and how you want them.
From Translation to Cultural Adaptation, we can cover all your language needs and much more, in all major languages.
Financial-Legal-Medical-Technical-Marketing and the list goes on. We work with professional linguists specializing in these and many other subject areas.
We will go out of our way to accommodate your procedures, requirements, budgets, and deadlines.
All our files are stored in a secure world-class data center with redundant back-up and internet connection options.
Competitive translation rates, flexible payment arrangements, volume, loyalty and early payment discounts, weekly and special promotions will help you save money in these tough economic times.